
The Help Me Grow framework is designed to coordinate and strengthen a community’s network of service providers, organization, and agencies in Skagit County. This helps families get connected to the right services at the right times. The Help Me Grow model also helps identify gaps in services and opportunities for collaboration to better support families.

Help Me Grow Resource Directory

The Help Me Grow Resource Directory contains information on a multitude of services available to families in Skagit County and throughout Washington. If you would like to see if your organization is listed in the directory or you would like to update your organization’s information, you can use the Resource Directory Search Form to look up your organization by name. If your organization is not in the directory and you would like to be added, use the Add a New Organization form to submit a request.

Lantern (formerly Bright by Text) – Sending a Community Message

Lantern a program of Skagit County Public Health, is now able to send messages to families from our community partners about free or low-cost resources and events. To submit a request for a text message, please submit a request at least one week in advance. Messages are a maximum of 140 characters and will be sent in English and Spanish. Messages can be sent to specific age ranges from prenatal through age 11, and to specific zip codes in Skagit County. All messages require a web link that directs families to more information (can be an online pdf).

Please note that we are unable to promote individual businesses/providers or products. This includes individual child care/preschool programs (other than free programs like Head Start/ECEAP), health care providers, dental providers, etc. Lantern also does not accept messages for fundraisers, events that cost over $25 per family, religious events/resources or messages that are political in nature.

Request Form

Refer a Family to a Help Me Grow Family Resource Navigator

Community and service providers can refer families they work with to a Help Me Grow Skagit Family Resource Navigator using the online referral form. With consent from the family, you’ll share information in the form and a Navigator will reach out to them to talk about helpful resources and services. Only the questions with the red asterisk* are required but the more information you can provide is helpful.

Help Me Grow Online Referral Form

Action Teams

Develop strategies that ensure a cohesive coordinated access system across Skagit so families can find and access supports for young children. This includes identifying opportunities and challenges related to state and local resource directories, technology platforms and the Care Coordinators/Family Resource Navigators.


  • Establish and maintain a dedicated Help Me Grow call line
  • Create a method for family and provider follow-up
  • Identify resource needs and capacity
  • Maintain a local resource directory
Ensure families and organizations are aware of, and connected to, available resources. This includes developing messaging materials, outreach campaigns, training, events and other methods for connecting with families about child development.


  • Engage community-based organizations in HMG
  • Increase the knowledge of partners and organization representatives of child and family development, health, and wellness.
  • Conduct outreach events and activities to engage and inform families
  • Promote the HMG Coordinated Access Point and Family Resource Center
  • Design a sustainability model for the Family Resource Center
Supports healthcare professionals and early childhood providers by enhancing their developmental promotion and early detection activities, as well as supports the system development of closed-loop referral pathways to confirm families receive the supports they need.


  • Identify and engage a Physician Champion.
  • Build awareness in the health care provider (not just physicians) community of HMG and the referral process
  • Explore options to expand HealthySteps-type models in practices within Skagit County
  • Create a process for child healthcare providers to refer to HMG and receive follow-up information from HMG and participating organizations.
  • Coordinate trainings on surveillance and screening and other topics identified by providers.
Analyze Help Me Grow indicator data to continuously improve the HMG system. This includes analyzing system usage data, looking for trends over time and identifying additional system needs in order to fill gaps in resources.


  • Collect metrics across all core areas of the HMG System.
  • Collect qualitative data (stories) to share with key stakeholders
  • Develop a system for storing data
  • Share data with HMG partners to encourage continuous quality improvement
Identify frameworks, tools and strategies to embed racial equity throughout all interconnected core components, with an understanding that it takes ongoing systems, organizational and individual level strategy and action.


  • Set goals to work towards racial equity in the design process and implementation.
  • Set goals for other dimensions of social equity (e.g., undocumented status, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, etc.)
  • Adopt frameworks, tools, and strategies that would assist with embedding equity in the local HMG system.
  • Work with the other Skagit Action Teams to review their goals and key activities to ensure equity in all aspects of the HMG System
Create connections between agencies in Skagit county for resources, problem solving, and action, involving all aspects of child care: families, funding, staffing, employer support/incentives for child care, education, professional development, and barriers. Identify gaps and how to close them.


  • Reduce Barriers to Funding Streams
  • Increase work force: Teachers, Aides, Special Needs Teachers, Directors
  • Employer Incentives / On site employer childcare

Regional Action Team: Policy & Advocacy

Develops policies and advocacy strategies to advance a shared agenda that improves the well-being of children, families, and communities.

For more information, or to join an action team,
visit the Children’s Council website for information on our next meeting.